Finishing Chanie’s walk

Andrew Moss
4 min readApr 25, 2019


This has been a really challenging post to write and in some ways, it’s a story yet to be told.

On May 5th I’ll set out with a good friend to complete the walk Chanie Wenjack started in the middle of October 1966.

Chanie Wenjack (1954–1966)

If you’re not familiar with the story of Chanie Wenjack, I’d urge you to read this article, originally published in 1967.

Note: Chanie is the proper name according to his family, however, you’ll see references to Charlie in some sources.

After running away from the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School in Kenora, Ontario, Chanie managed to complete a trek of some 44km, including 15km or so from Reddit, east toward his home in Ogoki Post, a trip that would have been another 600+km to complete. Chanie didn’t make it.

We’re going to start and finish the trek home for Chanie, and in doing so, hope to bring awareness and action to the injustices over so many years.

The full path we are setting out to complete over 2+ weeks is shown in red, and we are planning to complete the final stretch to Ogoki Post once a passable route currently under construction is completed.

So why do this?

Over the past few years, a series of events have conspired to make my upcoming adventure a necessity. The people involved don’t know this as I write this, but each had a profound impact.

On August 20th, 2016, I watched along with millions of other Canadians as one of our National heroes made a call to action.

I felt compelled to respond.

Gord Downie, the lead singer of Canada’s band, The Tragically Hip, called on all of us to learn more and do more to help our northern communities. In Gord’s final years before succumbing to brain cancer, he promoted the story of our northern communities, the impact of suppression of education about indigenous people and issues, and the ignorance many of us have regarding the issues still outstanding.

He promoted these issues through a story — the story of Chanie Wenjack and The Secret Path. I was fortunate to be invited to attend the live concert in Toronto where Gord performed The Secret Path, and it was an incredibly powerful event. Dozens of Chanie’s family were present, and there weren’t any dry eyes to be seen as you scanned the city dwellers assembled in the audience of that concert hall.

Thank you to everyone involved in putting the final concert tour and The Secret Path together.

Another influence and inspiration for this trip came about through a chance meeting with a talented director, Miranda de Pencier, and learning about her efforts to make the now award-winning movie, The Grizzlies.

As someone who has seen the impact of sport and of great teachers and coaches, and as someone undeniably ignorant of the issues of our Canadian North, I was moved.

Thank you, Miranda.

Next up is a former fitness trainer and subsequent good friend, Ashley Mathieu. Ashley was cast for a spot on the APTN show First Contact, where 6 random people from across Canada were flown all over the country, encountering Indigenous people on reserves, in remote corners of the North and in busy cities. The goal was to give the participants and viewers a new perspective from which to confront their prejudices. It worked!

Thank you for your friendship and inspiration, Ashley.

Finally, my hiking partner, Paul Curtin, who over a few beers one evening suggested a crazy idea, and much to his surprise, found a willing partner. We have our own stories and motivations for doing this trip and I know that through 4:30 am training hikes, planning conversations, and countless trips to the Mountain Equipment Co-Op store, this trip would not be possible without your commitment.

Thank you, Paul.

I want to thank my partner Monique for your unwavering support, and Myan for your support of Paul, and to our children who I hope will see that it’s ok to have something you are inspired by, and it’s ok to try and do something about it.

Much love to you all.

How to Support

This is a personal journey but I’m fully aware that people may want to find a way to contribute and support the cause that inspired this trip.

Please make your donation directly to the Downie Wenjack fund.

Documenting the Journey

I hope we’ll be able to document much of the journey so stay tuned to Twitter andrewmossca and Instagram coachandrewmoss for updates when possible.



Andrew Moss
Andrew Moss

Written by Andrew Moss

You’ll find me helping people who want to create positive change in the world, or doing some kind of wild adventure :-)

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